Services: Structural Engineering
Cost: $1.7M (phase 1) $1M (phase 2)
Date Complete: February 2017
Team: Fromberg Associates Inc.
Owner: Austin Independent School District
Description: Phase 1 – New Library Addition. This project is a new stand-alone library addition for the existing Winn Elementary School in Austin, Texas. The existing school was built in 1969 with a class room addition built in 1989. The proposed library is to be located approximately 50 feet north of the original school building (b. 1969) and 75 feet northwest of the 1989 addition. The new library addition is to be a single-story building, approximately 5,000 square feet. The foundation is anticipated to be a suspended system supported by drilled piers; the roof framing is anticipated to be open web steel joists supported by steel columns and steel beams; and the walls are anticipated to be cold-formed metal infill studs. The library addition will be connected to the existing building via an open-air covered walkway as part of this scope.
Phase 2 – Renovations to Existing Building. The structural portions of this scope include structural items related to the installation of a new elevator as part of the administration renovations (DI-37648) and addressing the damaged folding partition wall between the Gym and the Cafeteria (DI-3918).